EAP Conference of SARC, Vienna 16./17. February 2016
Connecting Psychotherapy Practice and ResearchResearch for Practitioners
Report and presentations
The congress was held at the Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna. About 100 participants were present from various countries. According to the feedbacks of participants the congress was inspiring and a full success. It was a wish to get handouts of the presentations and also to put them on the website of EAP to make them public. Here they are: just click the name of the presentation that you wish to download.
You can also download the posters presented at the conference:
Outcome of the conference and how it goes on
This conference was planned as a start up conference to initiate further research among EAP institutions and practitioners. There will be four projects, that we will bring forward in the next months:
- Using CORE in practice and education of psychotherapists
- Qualitative Research: Getting instructions how to apply criteria for good qualitative research in case studies in psychotherapy practice and education
- Creating a naturalistic process-outcome study with multinational participation including a wide spectrum of modalities
- Creating models of simple outcome-process studies
For all these approaches there was interest shown at the end of the conference. We will keep you informed and invite you to next steps. The SARC of EAP is maintaining a mailing list of research interested persons. Participants of the conference are listed there. If anyone else (that might have missed the conference) wants to join this list to get our mailings, please send a request to the Chair of SARC.
Peter Schulthess
Chair of the Science and Research Committee (SARC) in EAP
SARC Conference February 2016 (pdf, 134.3 KB)
SARC Conference February 2016 - complete flyer (pdf, 2.530.1 KB)